


Four men star in Masculine, an intense, almost feverish piece that is capable of making the audience laugh or cry, and revolves around Fernando Pessoa’s ‘person’. The words of the poet echo throughout this creation to the rhythm of a well-told story in which the word is disputed by the performers. They look into their lives seeking those events that cross Pessoa’s imaginary in a whirlwind of expressions that guide the audience in a rollercoaster that is seized by every sense and marked by the beauty of the moments and by the energy the piece exudes.

Direction and Choreography
Paulo Ribeiro

Assistancy to Choreography
Leonor Keil

Fernando Pessoa, excertos retirados do Livro do Desassossego e dos Escritos Autobiográficos, Automáticos e de Reflexão Pessoal

Miguel Borges
Peter Michael Dietz
Pedro Mendes
Romulus Neagu

Dimitri Shostakovich, Francesco Zappa, Frank Zappa

Light Design
Nuno Meira

Companhia Paulo Ribeiro, Teatro Viriato, Teatro Nacional São João, Teatro Municipal Maria Matos, Centro Cultural Vila Flor and Biarritz Culture – Festival Le Temps d’Aimer

Câmara Municipal de Viseu

Companhia Residente no Teatro Viriato


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