
Companhia Paulo Ribeiro

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Choreographic Workshop with Éric Lamoureux & Héla Fattoumi
Academia de Artes do Estoril
8 to 12 July 10H30 - 17H30

The Paulo Ribeiro Company will host a Choreographic Workshop, to be held between July 8th and 12th, with Éric Lamoureux and Héla Fattoumi, directors of VIADANSE – National Centre of Dance of Burgundy and Franche-Comté in Belfort.

For this workshop, the choreographic duo will bring ZAK, the recreation of the large format performance AKZAK, the impatience of an interrelated youth, a dance-music piece, which premiered in September 2020 gathering 12 young dancers from the African continent. For this condensed version, specially recomposed for the participants of the workshop, the choreographic partition is resulting from the incorporation of rhythmic sequences constituting a complex structure, where syncope, rupture, impact, and vivacity, are triggers of the shared imagination. A dance where contrast is underlying within the rhythm, giving rise to a powerful coherence that draws on singularities, revealing the gaps as spaces of “between(s)”, where the real possibility of connection takes place.

Schedule: 10.30 – 17.30
Price: €100
Registration until June 28 through our form
Who can apply: University students and professionals with training and experience in performing arts.

Choreographic Workshop with Éric Lamoureux and Héla Fattoumi
Academia de Artes do Estoril
8 - 12 July

Since the beginning of their company in 1990, Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux pursued a unique journey that affirms their method of working as co-creators. Their first creation Husaïs, winning the Prize of the Best First Choreography Work in the Bagnolet International Dance Competition in 1990, followed by the trio Après-midi, winning the prize of the New Talents of dance by the SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) in 1991 propelled them and brought them international recognition.

More generally, they were driven by the question of otherness, the need to interrogate the limits, the frames, the outlines of identity, and all forms of attributes.
Their concept of “change through exchange” is perfectly embodied in AKZAK – l’impatience d’une jeunesse reliée (2020), which gathers 12 dancers from three Arab and Sub- Saharan African countries in a dialogue with the rhythmic combinations of Xavier Desandre Navarre towards an “identity-relation”.

Since 2015, they manage the National Centre of Dance of Burgundy and Franche-Comté in Belfort (CCN de Bourgogne Franche-Comté à Belfort), which they renamed “VIADANSE”, where they developed a cross-border project with Switzerland and continue to regularly welcome artists from the South, and other countries around the world.

Paulo Ribeiro


© PÚBLICO, 2018


Born in Lisbon, Paulo Ribeiro began his dance studies in Brussels and started his career as a dancer in several Belgian and French companies. But it was as a choreographer that he developed his career, making his debut in 1984, in Paris, in the Stridanse company, of which he was co-founder. Four years later, back in Portugal, he began his collaboration with the Portuguese Dance Company of Lisbon and with Ballet Gulbenkian. From 1991 on, his choreographic work expanded internationally, creating pieces for internationally renowned companies such as Nederlands Dans Theater; Grand Théâtre de Genève; Centre Chorégraphique de Nevers and Ballet de Lorraine.

With the creation of the Paulo Ribeiro Company, in 1995, the choreographer found the space to express his own language and authorial work.

He was the Commissioner of the cycle Dancem, in 1996 and 1997, at Teatro Nacional São João and, in 1998, he was General and Programming Director at Teatro Viriato, in Viseu. He was Commissioner for Dance in Coimbra 2003 – Portuguese Capital of Culture. In the same year, he received an invitation to direct the Ballet Gulbenkian, a work for which he would be awarded. In 2006, after the extinction of the Ballet Gulbenkian, he returned to Viseu, to Teatro Viriato, to retake the direction. In 2014, he was honoured by the Viseu City Council with the Municipal Medal of Merit for his contribution of recognized importance to the municipality of Viseu. He remained in the position until 2016, when was invited by the Ministry of Culture to take over the artistic direction of the Portuguese National Ballet Company. In 2019, he launched the project Casa da Dança, in Almada.

Meanwhile, he participated as choreographer in several productions, namely in cinema, for the film La Valse, by Portuguese renowned filmmaker João Botelho. Besides his creative work, Paulo Ribeiro has dedicated himself to education, conducting several workshops in Portugal and in the countries where the company has been. He teaches Choreographic Composition as part of the master’s programme in Contemporary Choreographic Creation at Superior Dance School in Lisbon, and has given classes at the National Conservatory Dance School.

In 2022, he returned to the artistic direction of his company and, in 2023, he started a new chapter in Cascais, where the company will be based, to continue the work of research, creation, production, dissemination and training in contemporary dance.

Paulo Ribeiro signs a plural work with more than 40 creations that has been distinguished with several national and international awards, such as the Acarte/Maria Madalena de Azeredo Perdigão Award, ex-aequo with Clara Andermatt, the Prix d’Auteur at the V Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint- Denis (France); the New Choreography Award from the Bonnie Bird Fund-Laban Centre (United Kingdom); the Bordalo Award from Casa da Imprensa (Portugal), among many others.

About the Company

The Paulo Ribeiro Company is one of the most renowned Portuguese contemporary dance companies, both nationally and internationally.

The company was founded in 1995 by Paulo Ribeiro, one of the main faces of the transforming movement New Portuguese Dance. It emerged following several years of work with some of the most prestigious European companies and in order to create space for his individual artistic voice.

Throughout these thirty years, the company’s plural work has been a regular presence in the main national theatres, as well as throughout Europe, Brazil and the United States. A career that brings together about 40 productions, whose contemporary language has been recognized with some of the most important national and international awards in the field of dance, and documented in two books: “Corpo de Cordas” (Assírio & Alvim, 2005), by Cláudia Galhós, and “Uma Coisa Concreta” (CPR, 2015), coordinated by Tiago Bartolomeu Costa.

Between 1998 and 2022, the company was settled in Teatro Viriato, in Viseu, a project created and implemented by the Portuguese choreographer and which he directed until 2016.

Meanwhile, the company has been responsible for an important project of training and production of educational actions for the school public in the area of dance.

In the beginning of 2023, the structure moved to Cascais, to continue its mission of research, artistic creation and promotion of shows, as well as education and programming linked to the local community and its institutions.

The Paulo Ribeiro Company will also be associated with Coimbra and, in the future, with other areas in the national territory, with the purpose of developing a network of Dance Cities.


Artistic Direction
Paulo Ribeiro



Afonso Cunha
Began his dance career with breakdance in 2006 and followed to contemporary dance in 2012. Completed his professional dance course at Balleteatro three years later and joined the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in 2020. Performed in creations by Né Barros and Helder Seabra for Companhia Instável, among others.


Diogo M. Santos
Contemporary dance performer graduated in 2014 from Balleteatro – Escola Profissional. In England, he attended the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, where he completed the Foundation Course in Contemporary Dance and the BA (Hons) Dance (Contemporary). His career includes Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte, Companhia Instável, Marianela Boán and the Irish company Instant Dissidence.


Liliana Oliveira
Dancer since she was 12 years old, Liliana has attended Lugar Presente and Ginasiano dance courses, as well as the intensive training in choreographic performance at Companhia Instável. She performed for the Kale Dance Company, Companhia Instável, Cie 7273, Eldad Ben-Sasson, Mafalda Deville, Joana Providência and Victor Hugo Pontes, among others.


Maria Martinho
Completed the dance course at the National Conservatory in 2020, and is currently pursuing a degree in dance at the Lisbon School of Dance, in the scope of which she attended Codarts, in Rotterdam, and performed in creations by João Fernandes and Ângelo Cid Neto.


Rita Ferreira
Completed the dance course at the National Conservatorium in 2019, and has a professional degree from the Rosella Hightower School of Dance. Performed for the Pantai Company and the Cannes Jeune Ballet, in France.


Rodrigo Loureiro
Contemporary dance performer, Rodrigo has been a graduate of the Lugar Presente Dance School since 2019 and is currently in the final year of his Dance Artist degree at ArtEZ University of the Arts. He did a professional internship at the Skånes Dansteater dance company and has worked with renowned artists such as Örjan Andersson, Maciej Kuzminski, Joana Providência, António Cabrita and São Castro, among others.

Direction Assistant
Ana Moreno

General Coordination
Pedro Jordão

Patrícia Cuan

Rodrigo Gonçalves


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