Ceci n’est pas un film, but several. Films of stories involving two people, small fractions evoking the possibility of love.
A love that becomes obsessive, demanding, dependent, desperate, exalted and suffocating, but also pathetic, comic, tragicomic, playful, frivolous, virtuous, sinuous, pretentious and emptied.
Images involving two people that outline and substantiate dances as a way of exorcising illusion or disappointment without ever ceasing to dance.
Ceci n’est pas un film
Teatro Stephens, Marinha Grande
27 October
Creation, Choreography and Set Design
Paulo Ribeiro
Collaboration and Film Selection
Cine Clube De Viseu
Ana Jezabel
Francisco Rolo
The Boys From Brazil: Segredo Suba; Balanescu Quartet: Hanging Upsidedown, Autobahn; João Parahyba: Nightly Sins (tribute), Barbara, Ne Me Quitte Pas; Nina Simone, Ne Me Quitte Pas, Go Limp; Jacques Brel: Ne Me Quitte Pas, La Valse a Mille Temps; Simone de Oliveira: Não Me Vais Deixar (Ne Me Quitte Pas); Akram Mag: Ne Me Quitte Pas; Frank Zappa: The Nancy & Mary Music; Serge Gainsbourg: Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vais
Costume Design
José António Tenente
Light Design
Cristóvão Cunha
Carlos Fernandes
Technical Operation
Nuno Gabriel Braga
General Coordination
Pedro Jordão
Patrícia Cuan
Executive Production
Rita Monteiro
Paulo Ribeiro Company
Paulo Ribeiro Company is a structure financed by República Portuguesa/Direcção-Geral das Artes.